Mitsubishi Insurance Quotes

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How much does Mitsubishi insurance cost?

The average monthly cost for auto insurance for Mitsubishi owners is $145 and about $1,742 a year.

While lots of factors go into determining your insurance rate, the make and model of the vehicle you drive is one of the biggest. For example, the newest year of the Mirage is likely to add more to your monthly insurance bill than say the Outlander.

With The Zebra, you can quickly compare Mitsubishi insurance quotes across hundreds of insurance companies to help find the best coverage for the best price, specifically for your vehicle:

Vehicle Model Average Annual Premium
Mitsubishi Mirage $1,805
Mitsubishi Outlander $1,720
Mitsubishi Outlander Sport $1,698

Frequently asked questions:

1. How much is insurance for a Mitsubishi?

According to our data, the average cost of insurance for a Mitsubishi is $1,742 per year. However, this can vary based on factors like the model, location, driving history, and coverage preferences.

2. What kind of coverage do I need for my Mitsubishi?

Most states require drivers to carry liability insurance, which covers damages and injuries you may cause to others in an accident. In addition to liability coverage, you may also want to consider collision and comprehensive coverage, and additional options like uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection. 46% of The Zebra's Mitsubishi customers opt for State liability and collision and comprehensive (full) coverage.

3. Are Mitsubishis expensive to insure?

Compared to other non-luxury brands, Mitsubishis are relatively expensive to insure. However, the specific cost of insurance for Mitsubishis can still vary depending on individual factors such as your ZIP code, driving history, and specific model. 

Mitsubishi insurance rates by model: